Lire la vidéo sur red car

Je Cuisine Local


Animmation    Campaign

Production & Script :  Lapino Albino


Images: Lapino Albino


3D mod & animation: Lapino Albino


2D animation & post production: Lapino Albino


Sound Mixing: Ssteph Peterss


Sound Recording: Steph Peters

The mission.

The APAQ-W (Walloon Agency for the Promotion of Quality Agriculture) is an organization that strives to promote and develop sustainable, high-quality agriculture, preferably in the short supply chain. As part of its #jecuisinelocal campaign, the APAQ-W wants to include a 2d animated video enhanced with 3D to raise awareness about the importance of local cuisine and highlight the benefits for the environment. 


This will also remind people of one of the APAQ-W’s daily missions: to promote sustainable and high-quality agriculture.

The creative proposal

This project for APAQ-W is a public market, so it is important for us to propose an innovative and tailored approach to the demand. After analyzing the call for tender, we decided to add a family of animated characters to highlight the human aspect of our proposal and stand out.


The original project was mainly based on figures and data reports highlighting the daily work carried out by APAQ-W. To make this more accessible to the target audience, we proposed creating a story based on the day of a family that consumes locally, from grocery shopping to family meals.


fields 3D animation video
2d animated video

To strengthen local action, we decided to recreate the APAQ-W’s area of operation in 3D, the center of Gembloux, and add details such as the reproduction of a bus from the Walloon region. The family of characters would be animated in 2D in this environment, giving a unique and natural graphic style.


Finally, 3D allowed us to produce aerial shots of the fields. It is in these sequences that we proposed to present the raw data of APAQ-W.




Voice Recording: Steph Peters


Editing : Davinci Resolve


Post Production: adobe After Effects


3D mod: Blender


3D animation: Blender

En bref

Lenght:  2’02


Time to produce: 3 weeks


People involved: 2 in house 



Offline:  in house & fair


Online: website and social network

Lire la vidéo sur city, blue car and yellow bus