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Animation    Awarded

Production & Script :  Lapino Albino


2D animation: Lapino Albino


Graphic Design: Lapino Albino

The mission.

The rules and laws on patents and intellectual property are getting more and more difficult to maintain. Especially with new markets like the Internet of Things opening up. Governments and rule makers should be made aware of this situation.


That’s why IP2I, an organisation that is concerned with the dealings on Intellectual property and patents, asked us to create an animation which shows the problems arising with the patent system and Internet of Things start-ups and businesses.

The creative proposal

Lapino Albino was invited to create this video but to be able to tell the story we needed to get to the bottom of the subject.


IP2I invited us for a crash course about the legislation around patents to come up with a story that could explain the current problems the patent systems encounters.


Explaining this very complex matter with animated visuals was the best way to make everything as clear as possible.

The video was used to clarify their point of view towards policy makers and legal systems across Europe.

intellectual property animation video portfolio
intellectual property animation video portfolio

The visual approach of this animation video was inspired by video games like Badlands, Projection or Limbo. This was to represent the history of the patent system to explain why such a system is so important for innovation. The transition towards the current situation is also shown in the style which changes towards a more classic 2D animation approach.


The sound mix added a final touch and created another layer of storytelling to video.



Story: Lapino Albino


Voice Recording: Peters Productions


2D Animation: Adobe After Effects


En bref

Lenght:  4’15


Time to produce: 2 months


People involved: 3 in house

Budget: 20k


Offline:  presentations towards policy makers & others


Online: website and social network

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