Lire la vidéo sur hockey

Are You In?


Film    Promotional    Marketing 

Featuring : Tom Bone


Production & Script :  Lapino Albino X Tramway21


Images: Lapino Albino


Post Production: Lapino Albino


Sound Mixing: Bubbles Sound


Sound Recording: Phillips Soun

The mission.

We have been commissioned by the Bruxelloise Tramway 21 and ARBH agencies to create a promotional video for indoor hockey. Their idea was to synchronize hockey movements with a rhythmic music to make the clip as dynamic as possible and easy to share. 


The goal was to give it a viral side, so that Belgian hockey players can identify with it and share the video on social networks.


A marketing baseline was proposed by the agency : « Are you in?

The creative proposal

To clearly respond to the agency’s request, we had to make concessions and miracles. The budget did not allow us to spend without limit. Our first request was to be able to benefit from several hockey players, some of whom are well known to the public, on the same day.


In this way, we were able to shoot all the sequences in one day. By proposing schedules for each person, we were able to chain the cut plans and record enough sequences in a long day of filming.

goal keeper video portfolio
hockey player video

Once this scheduling problem was solved, we still had a challenge to overcome to achieve the desired result. We need a large and quiet room in which we need to build a black box the size of a half hockey rink.


The agency found an unused sports hall, and quickly got to work. Within three hours, a black box and lighting were installed. After that, the team devoted the rest of the day to producing plans of players and the goalkeeper.


As soon as we created a first synchronized version to the music of this promotional video, we added some graphical elements to be in line with the image campaign distributed on social networks. Additionally, we made some adjustments to ensure that the overall look and feel of the video matched the branding guidelines. Finally, we reviewed the final version to ensure that it met all of our quality standards before publishing it on our social media channels.



Camera:  Sony FS7


Lens: Sigma Canon 28/70 mm / 300mm


Sound Recording: Phillips Sound


Editing : Davinci Resolve


Color Grading: Davinci Resolve


Post Production: adobe After Effects


En bref

Lenght:  55″


Time to produce: 2 weeks


People involved: 3  in house


By-product: short edit, square format for social media & 2 languages translation


Offline:  –


Online: website and social network & mailing 

Lire la vidéo sur hockey player